
Blogmas Day 14 Part 2: White Christmas In The Kitchen

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Hello once again! It's Blogmas post time again! 
So today I've talked about a great recipe, so why not talk about little things you can add to your kitchen to make it more Christmas-y? 
Of course I had to chose cups, jars and cookie cutters. 

Blogmas day 14

 I chose this 6 objects to inspire you making your kitchen a more joyful place. I mean, who wouldn't get happy just by looking at these! 
You can find and buy those lovely things here.

What would you add to your kitchen to make it look more like Christmas? Let me know on the comments! 
Also, don't forget to check Want Like Now's post! 

Have a lovely day,


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  1. Adorable picks, I love the cookie jar the most!

    xx, TalitaSays.com

  2. Ahh-- cute kitchen decor! That's the spirit! Happy Holidays ;D

    <3 Carsla
    Founder & CEO of Connect-the-Cloths
    A stylist, foodie, & writer's blog in development.
