
Blogmas Day 14: Christmas French Toasts

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Hello darlings! 
We are 10 days away from Christmas Eve! Where did December go?! 

Today's blogpost is about.... CHRISTMAS FOOD! 

I bring you a recipe from Portugal, that will make your mouth water! 
Get your recipe book ready, because you will want to add this one on it! 

• Sliced ​​Bread
• Milk
• Butter
• Brown Sugar
• Lemon Zest
• Cinnamon stick
• Port Wine

• Eggs

Bring the milk to heat, add the butter, the sugar, the lemon zest and the cinnamon stick. 
Let it cool for a while and add the Port Wine. 
Get the sliced bread and wet it on the milk mixture, but don't let it soak. 
Leave it resting for about an hour. 
Stir the eggs on a bowl, pass the bread slices through it and fry it on hot oil (use which ever you prefer) 

And voilá! How easy is that? I'm sure you all will love it! 
Let me know what's your favorite Christmas recipe! 

Also don't forget to check Want Like Now's post! 

Have a lovely day,

xoxo, C

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