
Blogmas Day 17: Wrapping it with a smile

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hello my darlings! 
I know I completely bailed on Sunday's and Monday's Blogmas post, but I had my reasons (family and school reasons I shall add). 

But today is a new day and I've got a blog post for all of you! Can you guess what it is about? Gift wrapping! But not any gift wrapping: Stylish and unique gift wrapping! 

The first one is dedicated to all of those who have so many newspapers laying around and want to give it some use. 
all you need is newspaper (obviously), a cord of your choice and tags with the person's initial (or full name if you prefer).
Start by selecting the pages of newspaper you want to use, avoiding big images showing on the outside of the gift. Then, just wrap the gifts with it like you normally would. 
Get your cord and wrap it around your gift like shown on the picture, attaching the tag to it. And voilá! You have a eco friendly, creative and cool wrap! 

This one is a little bit more complicated yet more simple than the first one. 
All you need to do is print a word searching game (that you can also make yourself!) in a A3 sized sheet of paper (or bigger/smaller, depending on the size of your gift).
After that, all you really need to do is wrap it carefully around your gift and attach highlighting pens to it.
Everyone will be entertained! 
Also, if you want to make it safer, since sometimes the highlighter pens can weaken the paper, put your gift in a cardboard box before wrapping it. Like that, it will be sneak peek proof! 

For this gift wrapping, you will need craft brown paper, images of candies (any Christmas candy will do), white cord, glue and a tag for the name. 
after wrapping the gift normally with the craft brown paper, take the cord and wrap it around vertically, not being completely precise or perfect with it.
Don't forget to get the tag on it! 
After the cord and the tag are safely wrapped, get your candy images and glue them randomly on the cord, just like shown on the image. 
How cute does it look?! 
Last, but surely not least, is an idea dedicated to those who have little artists in their family. 
All you need is white craft paper, crayons and some tape! 
After wrapping the gift, glue the crayons to the box with the help of some tape, and write "color me" on the box.
How easy is it?! This will keep those little fellas entertained until it's time to open the gifts! 
I give you the same advice I did on the 2nd idea, put the gift in a cardboard box before wrapping it, so there are no sneak peeks before time! 

What did u think of these ideas? How will you wrap your gifts this year? Let me know on the comments bellow! 
Also don't forget to check Want Like Now's blog posts! WLN

Have a lovely day!


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