
Last minute gift ideas for the ladies in your life!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hello gorgeous! 

I'm so sorry for the week without any blog posts - I completely ran out of ideas for things to do for this time of the year, but today I had a complete epiphany and I have pretty much came up with holiday themed ideas for an entire week! So come back every day this week for a LOT of new posts! 
Also, another post will be up today, dedicated to last minute gift ideas for the guys in your life (boyfriend, dad, family memebers, etc :> )

But this post is totally dedicated to the ladies in your life, such as your mom, your sister(s), your girl friends or any family member! 
I will have 3 options for you (one inexpensive item, a mid priced item and a more expensive / splurge item), so you can pick and chose the best ones for you! 


For moms, anything sentimental is going to be a great gift! 
Firstly, I chose this "What I love about Mom" gift book, from Barnes and Noble ($ 9.95), which has 112 pages with little things for you to fill in the blanks! How adorable is that?!
For the mid-priced item, I think something like a candle is a great thing to give to a mom - it gives the room warmth and a lovely smell, which she will connect to you! Bath & Body Works have lovely 3-wick candles, for $22.50!
And if you want to spend a bit more for your mommy, this lovely initial necklace gift set from Bauble Bar, which retails for $58 dollars :) 

Other ladies in your life:

There are MANY things any lady in your life would love, such as makeup, a scarf, gloves, a perfume, decorative pillows, the list goes on and on! But those things can be quite tricky, since usually they are quite personal. 
However, there are 3 types of gifts that I think are just perfect and full proof when it comes to ladies: cute mugs, bath stuff and body care stuff. 
I found this adorable Swiss Miss Cookie & Cocoa Mug pack at Walmart for 5 bucks! You're giving a cute mug, a candy cane hot cocoa beverage AND a decadent cookie - who wouldn't love that?! 
For the bath stuff, you can never go wrong with Lush products, and this Little Snow Fairy Gift ($13.95) is adorable and smells INCREDIBLE, seriously you need to give it a go :p
Finally, The Body Shop is my ultimate favorite place for body care treats. They always have Holiday scents around this time of the year. My favorite this year has to be the Glazed Apple scent and this Glazed Apple Tin of Delights ($31.50) is perfection! You also have the Frosted Cranberry one and the Vanilla Brulee one to chose from! :) 

Those are my last minute gift ideas for the girls in your life! Let me know in the comments bellow what you'd love to get for Christmas and also what you got for your friends and family! 

Have a wonderful day! Happy Holidays! 

xoxo ~C

FTC Disclaimer: None of the companies and brands mentioned asked me to mention them on this post. The links above are not affiliate. All opinions are my own. 

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