
Blogmas Day 19: Chocolate Deliciousness

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hello darlings! 
5 days!

Today I bring you another recipe post, a hot, delicious, decadent recipe (or shall I say recipes) that everyone loves: Hot chocolate. 

I've looked around for the best recipes (and original too!) and rounded it up to 8 beautiful amazing cups! 
Are your taste buds ready? 

see the recipe here
Italian Hot Chocolate- I've made this one myself, and let me tell you.... I WANT MORE! It's like drinking a cup of melted chocolate, and everyone on my house LOVES IT

see recipe here
Cookie and Cream Hot Chocolate- I want to try it just by looking at the picture! It's easy, quick and all the Oreo lovers will be thankful for such a treat! Doesn't it look incredible?! 

Asee recipe here
Easy Homemade Hot Chocolate- This reminds me of the hot chocolate my mom used to make (before she found Internet and all the great hot chocolate ideas it has), and what great sweet memories it brings me! 

see recipe here
White Peppermint Hot Chocolate- What more can I say? Sweet and fresh, completely decadent and surely not for every day drink, this drink is for sure going into my recipes book! If you have white chocolate lovers in your family, they will for sure be grateful for this little cup of deliciousness! 

see recipe here
Nutella Hot Chocolate- I want this, NOW. I love Nutella, and I'm sure most of you do as well, so having it in a melted form is like a dream! Tomorrow, this will be my supper drink, for sure!

see recipe here
White Hot Chocolate- I don't know if it's the sprinkles on the picture, or how delicious it looks, but I was to try this one! I'm not the biggest fan of white chocolate (dark chocolate or nutty chocolates are more my thing) but you never know if you like it unless you taste it, right?

see recipe here
S'mores Hot Chocolate- if you don't know what S'mores are, get 2 graham crackers, put a piece of chocolate and a roasted marshmallow between them and voilá! There's your S'more! This hot chocolate couldn't be better. You've got the creamy from the roasted marshmallows, the crunchy from the cracker and the sweetness from the chocolate. Surely a guilty pleasure on those really cold days! 

see recipe here
Peanut Butter Hot Chocolate- I will admit, I made a cup of this one before starting to write this post, and I wish I could have another cup! It's just delicious, you get this nutty taste, without it being too sweet. It's by far my favorite of them all! 

What's your favorite hot chocolate recipe? Do you have one of your own? Let me know on the comments bellow! 
Also, don't forget to check Want Like Now's post! 

Have a lovely day, 


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